Thank you for your Support!
Most importantly, we must thank Lakeside Animal Hospital in Oshkosh. Providing veterinary care for rescue dogs comes with a lot of uncertainty. We don’t know when a dog will need care, we often don’t know much about their backgrounds, some are terrified and others are resistant to the whole idea of going to the vet. The staff at Lakeside has been wonderful! Located at 1834 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901-2100, their telephone number is (920) 235-5040.
Talbot’s in Madison has sponsored two fundraisers for GPRW and, in a blind leap of faith, allowed Sophie, one of the GPRW alums, into their clothing store during shedding season! Their store is located at Talbot’s is located at 7815 Mineral Point Road.
If you’ve been to any pet fairs recently, you may have already discovered Mrs. Beaster’s Biskits. Many of these tasty treats have found their way to GPRW as donated items, along with the proceeds from their sales. “If I have a good day, you have a good day,” was the statement that accompanied one donation. All the “biskits” are made with ingredients grown on their family farm in Columbus, WI. And, if you look real carefully at the label, you’ll see that Mrs. Beaster is a Great Pyrenees!
Many thanks to Mounds Pet Food Warehouse for their commitment to rescue groups and for helping GPRW “get the word out.” Mounds has helped us in many ways ~ by hosting us in one of the stores each month, by donating to GPRW and by sponsoring Dog Fest, a large, summer event for dog lovers.. Rescue groups are allowed to exhibit at this event free of charge.